
For now this is a place keeper. Please look at the other tabs for the data.

The HTML5 components are tested to work in Chrome, Safari (Mac), Android 4.0.4 default browser. They do not work (manually type in the date) in Firefox. I've not tested the functionality in IE. The HTML validator suggests that the HTML 5 components may also work in Opera.

The latest build of Chrome has introduced a discrepency in how the chart iframes are displayed and consequently it looks better in Firefox (for now).

Remember, the granularity is per HOUR (measured in kWatts).
This is an accumulation chart for the period Jan 1, 2013 to May 31, 2013.
Delta 1

Remember, the granularity is per MINUTE (measured in Watts).
Delta 2

Remember, the granularity is per quarter hour (measured in Watts).
Shows accumulated use for each 15 minute block for the last ten days in May.

Remember, the granularity is per HOUR.
icon: about About


Source code for this project can be found on github

I used WinSCP to connect and edited the code using TextPad.

This project also uses code from the following external projects

This project is based on the TED 5000.

Valid HTML 5 Valid CSS!